Dead Dog
Jim Dollinger
Tuesday, December 26, 2023

I sold a client a Lyriq. It died on the side of the road in a few days. The dealer brought him a Lyriq loaner. it died too. Finally they gave him an XT6, ironically signifying the number of weeks he was without what he paid cash for. He has it back now. Thankfully he bought it as a toy rather than daily driver.
This is what 10 years of Mary UnBarrable has brought us. No worries about the Blazer Stop Sale. At $1,250/mo lease with employee discount and lease loyalty, it wasn't selling anyway~
And I thought Red Ink Rick was bad for intentionally driving GM into bankruptcy (remember I predicted the sale of GMAC and was called a lunatic?), This woman is destroying what's left, with participation (or lack thereof) from the Board of Bystanders. If 1,000 Buick dealers feel that way and turned back their franchise, imagine John Q Public. GM's PR isn't much better than Biden's.
"Dollinger or die, that's my final offer"
Robert Farago