Tea with Lee
Jim Dollinger
Sunday, July 7, 2019

My dad was the Number One Ford Salesman in the State of New York back in the 1960's. He attended the Awards Dinner in Buffalo where he was presented a Silver Tea Set in appreciation and recognition of his performance. Late in the evening, after the lounge closed, my dad went to the Hat Check room to retrieve his prize that he had earlier checked in, asking that it be put alongside his overcoat. He discovered at that late hour the lady had left and although his coat remained, the Silver Tea Set was nowhere to be found.
Being a persistent and far from bashful individual, 'ol Ralph called the Zone Manager the following Monday. The Gentleman explained there was nothing he could do. So, what now? Dad wrote a letter to Lee Iacocca, then President of Ford Motor Company. Well, a few weeks later... a Silver Tea Set shows up at our house. Let me tell you, every Thanksgiving from that time forward my father told this story and how Lee was The Man! Dad passed away ten years ago, but I still remember this frequently and will always have a special place in my heart for Lido.