Other Editorials

Here We Go Again

Jim Dollinger
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Starting Tuesday 8-29 through Labor Day, cars get $500, $1,000 on P/Us and Full Size Suvs, and $1,500 on Mid Size SUVs. GM just doesn't get it. They let the month slip away, then blast the market with overkill and meanwhile ruin the Holidays once again for those in retail. We'll go nuts for a few days and then return to the excitement of a funeral procession. How will people feel who purchase this weekend only to discover they got screwed for want of a couple days. Once again I'll profess that until GM changes their marketing once and for all, the decades of decline will continue, Wagoner will continue to chop and cut, and GM will be extremely lucky to stay in business despite the well intentioned efforts of thousands of loyal, dedicated employees.

Anyone who thinks LaNeve has a clue should reconsider by looking at reality. Red Tag, March Madness, Zero for 72...it's all the same...distress merchandising which just DOESN'T WORK!!! Management can't see beyond the latest ten days and only are able to offer excuses when each quarter's results are worse than dismal. Notice how it's always the economy, hurricanes, gas prices, unions, exchange rate, health care, etc...Never does management take responsibility for their inability. Here at GeneralWatch we call it like it is, namely incompetency by self serving, isolated, imbiciles who have all but ruined America's once mightiest corporation.
