A Town's Ho-Hum Reaction to Scandal (McNamara Ponzi Scheme)
That is what they said in 1992, when John McNamara, a developer and car dealer caught in a $436 million fraud against General Motors, told Federal prosecutors he had bribed a host of Brookhaven town officials with cash, cars and contracts in exchange for approval of his real estate projects. But only three town officials were convicted. Two who were acquitted quietly returned to the public payroll, and the headlines faded with the local Republican machine still firmly in control.
Note: William Lovejoy, head of GMAC at the time of the swindle was put into GMSPO then promoted to head of North American Sales.
How a banking giant was laid low
October 16, 2002; Lauren Chambliss.
How America's second largest bank, JP Morgan Chase, was laid low by Enron, Global Crossing, Tyco, K-Mart.
Pfizer to plead guilty in drug-sales case
May 13, 2004: Firm accused of promoting non-approved treatmentsThe Associated Press
GM Board Director, Karen Katen is President, Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals Group and
Executive V. Pres, Pfizer, Inc.